Saturday, February 28, 2009

Going too Far Corner: Facebook

Facebook has gone too far with it's advertising claims lately. I was just browsing my facebook when this ludicrous advertisement came on for teeth whitening. Now, I've seen a lot of hair brained facebook advertisements in my day, but this one takes the totem.

Let's think about this though, it says, "Dye your face skin a darker shade!" Won't that make the rest of your body look ludicrous? The extremes people go through to make their teeth look whiter is beyond me. In this post-conservavative, neo-liberal, post-racist America, people might even take the results of the procedure the wrong way.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Best Oscar Speech

It sucks when you make a joke then no one gets it. It happened to Kunio Kato when he won the Oscar for his animated film. Or - they didn't want to offend his accent.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Old Jews Telling Jokes

My dad can tell a story. But he’d prefer to tell a joke.

Storytelling is a Jewish tradition. You’ve probably seen Fiddler on the Roof. Whenever they ask the Rabbi a question, he tugs thoughtfully on his beard and says “let me tell you a story.” Then they sing.

Jokes are like stories, but shorter and funnier. Old jokes tend to have a stigma, but they only last if they’re good. Some of the best ones provide a window to the culture of a bygone era. They can reveal the concerns of a generation or even the generation before. Anxieties of coming to a new country, of prospering, of assimilating, of having families, of fearing and worrying about, well, everything. Humor was and is the ultimate anti-depressant.

My father gathered twenty of his friends to share their favorite jokes. We set three rules for the production: the joke-tellers were to be Jewish, at least sixty years of age and they were to tell their favorite joke – the one that always kills.

Here, you will find them, Old Jews Telling Jokes.

Friday, February 13, 2009

David Letterman interviews

Joaquin Phoenix on Late Show w David Letterman Feb 11 2009

Crispin Glove on Late Show w David Letterman July 28 1987

Andy Kaufman on Late Show w David Letterman

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Monday, February 02, 2009

A Rare Music Video by James Arthur O'Brien

I made digital music some time ago.  I made a video to go along with it.  This is copyright heavy.  I better not catch this on a New Balence commercial or anything.  I'm risking a lot by throwing this up on the internet.  I do it for my audience.  Please respect my art.